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Interactive map /

Welcome to the UK Startup Explorer, Sifted’s interactive map that lets you virtually ‘travel’ around the UK, visiting startup communities all over England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Tech sectors /

Where are the UK’s climate tech hot spots? What about mobility and healthtech? This bubble chart shows a breakdown of each sector’s active companies per UK region, based on 2020 Dealroom data. A bigger dot size means more companies.

Quality of life /

​​Quality of life can be an important factor for founders and talent looking to move for work. This radar chart combines environmental and cost of living data — such as average rent or the cost of a monthly transport ticket — to create a unique ‘quality of life’ shape for each region. Each value is positioned on a scale from 1 (outer circle, or ‘best’) to 4 (inner circle, or ‘worst’).

Diversity and access to VC /

What percentage of VC capital has been raised by non-white founders? What does the investment gender gap look like? This dataset measures access to VC funding across the UK for companies that received investment between 2009 and 2019. The figures are broken down by the basic binary groupings for ethnicity and gender makeup of teams.

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